Corporate Healthcare: Why Is Injury Management Important?

In addition to personal safety, Occupational, Health and Safety (OH&S) is a serious matter for everyone living and working in Australia. This is because work or on-site injuries can have such a huge ripple effect on both business and employees.  For a company,...

Should I Get The Flu Shot This Year?

Every year, Australians are exposed to influenza and need to stay up to date with their flu shots. Due to the ever-adapting nature of influenza viruses, vaccinations from previous years just can’t keep up, thus requiring a yearly flu shot in order to stay protected....
Your Preventive Healthcare Checklist

Your Preventive Healthcare Checklist

News They say health is wealth and only really appreciated once health challenges arise and impede on your regular lifestyle and routine. Maintaining good health is very important as it affects all aspects of your life and productivity. Whether you are in your early...
Top Remedies for the Common Cold

Top Remedies for the Common Cold

Regardless of if it’s cold season or not, virtually everyone is susceptible to catching the common cold at any time during the year. Symptoms include headache, stuffiness, and sore throat, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe. Nobody likes being sick, but if...
A new era of diabetes treatment

A new era of diabetes treatment

This content is independently produced by Australian Doctor Group with a grant from AstraZeneca. Australian guidelines on the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) look set to change after a large body of international evidence confirmed a greater role for...